The Vanity Project
The Vanity Project began long ago, when my dad bought me an antique bed set, and transformed my bedroom into a princess suite. The key piece was the vanity. I loved it, and over the years, it was my sanctuary. A place to sit and dream, to keep all my cherished things, and simply to be my special piece. My vanity would follow me as I grew up, and it is home to many of my fondest memories – getting ready for my wedding, putting on silly makeup with my niece, our daughter’s graduation and countless good talks, as one of us gets ready with the other sitting on the bed. This beloved vanity is now my daughter’s, and I know she cherishes it and what it means as much as I do.
I have always loved paints, and makeup is no different. I was certified as a makeup artist in Vancouver, and am fortunate to have worked in television and movies, working on many faces, some very famous, some not. Another love, which I inherited from my mom, is antique furnishings. Our home was always lovely, thanks to her decorating style and the many beautiful pieces she would find at the auction. My parents also gave me the gift of helping others. And putting it all together has allowed me to create The Vanity Project.
I scour the sales and auctions, finding just the right vanities. I always have a person in mind: a woman of any age who could use a boost, a special place of her own. With her in mind, I lovingly paint and refinish the piece, matching it up with just the right mirror or chair.
With my husband’s help we follow the process in photographs, before loading up and delivering the vanity. The process is quick and easy, and we expect nothing in return. To say it is very rewarding is an understatement: the surprise and delight on her face when she realizes this gift is for her, this special place is hers now.
My wish is to grow The Vanity Project, to partner with others and increase our reach, making a difference in more women’s lives, one vanity at a time.
If you would like to get involved please contact me at
Thank you,

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