Thank you Mayo McDonough for being on the show November 12, 2011

Mayo McDonough has been helping business people succeed for over 30 years! Her passion is in finding creative ways for businesses to connect with their customers and communicate more effectively through all channels. She has a BASc from the University of Guelph and an MBA from McMaster University. Over the past few years she has been adding tools to her repertoire to help entrepreneurs better align their business enterprises with their passions and values. She has found the Passion Test very simple yet profound for finding clarity and focusing your talents and energy on those things that bring meaning to your life’s work. Find out more from “the cool cat with a jetpack” at .
Mentioned on today’s show:
- The simple and easy Passion Test quiz called "Find Your Passion" available free on Oprah’s website specifically at created by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood authors of “the Passion Test”.
- Junior Achievement BC – Vancouver Island Region (250) 380-6765 with Deborah Wakeham, Regional Manager and Linda Conn Program Coordinator
- Jen Gibson's outstanding Grade 9 class at John Stubbs in Colwood
- Victoria Foundation’s “75 Hour Challenge” Nov 15 – 18
- Sir Winston Churchill Society of Vancouver Island and Churchill Foundation Vancouver Island
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